
eCommerce Lessons From Game Of Thrones: Advertising

Updated June 5, 2017

As we all know, running an advertising campaign can be costly and time consuming, especially for a small business. And if that small business is new to the market, owners are faced with the challenge of trying to build brand awareness and creating a positive business reputation while also trying to engage and excite customers about their products.

With that said, it often amazes me to find that so many small businesses either overlook social media or fail to execute a successful social media campaign. According to Sarah Lockard, CEO & Publisher, “small business owners MUST put time and effort into social media.” There are endless possibilities in the social media arena, but businesses must create a strategic plan to ensure they use these outlets in a way that will support their business goals and not just suck up time and resources. With millions of active users on Twitter and Instagram and over 1.2 billion Facebook members, it is safe to say that these outlets provide access to a massive amount of people that are waiting to be introduced to your brand, your message, and your products.

There is no one-size-fits-all strategy to tell you what to do, but after all these seasons of Game of Thrones, I can tell that you all you need to know about surviving social media can be learned from the Houses of Westeros. It is up to you to decide which House aligns best with your intended outcome.

House Lannister: Hear Me Roar

Intended Outcome: You want your voice to be heard

The unofficial motto of the Lannister family is “A Lannister always pays his debts.” Translating this to a social media strategy is simple: if you make a promise, follow through. This applies to:

  • What your business stands for
  • Why you are different than your competition
  • What you can add to the conversation
  • What you can do for your audience

In order to be heard, you must also listen to your audience. You do not want to talk at them; you want to have a conversation that is meaningful, relevant and, most of all, authentic.

Another great tip is be consistent in producing high quality content that compels your audience to come back again and again to hear what you have to say.

House Stark: Winter is Coming

Intended Outcome: Always be prepared for imminent change

As those in power in Westeros know, change happens in the blink of an eye. The Stark family has faced many a crisis and has learned that preparation and utilization of resources is the key for survival.  The same applies to social media. News spreads in a matter of seconds and bad news even faster. The only way to combat the news from hurting your business is to be vigilant! The last thing you need is a glitch in a campaign to send your business soaring for the ground. So take this lesson from the Starks and be prepared:

  • Have an action plan for when a crisis occurs
  • Regularly monitor your social media sites
  • When faced with a crisis, respond quickly and have a consistent message
  • Always respond to all feedback in a calm and professional manner
  • Continually drill your staff on the crisis plan- the more they practice the better prepared they will be when an actual crisis arises.

House Tyrell: Growing Strong

Intended Outcome: Growing stronger by keeping your eye on the prize

The Tyrell Family in Game of Thrones has grown stronger through their determination and desire to acquire power. The have a long term goal and never they lose focus. In the world of social media, this translates to devising a plan focused on the growth of your brand. If you align with the Tyrell plan, you must be well informed and stay on top of breaking news in your industry and communicate to your clients and customers. In addition:

  • Know your competition and monitor what they are doing
  • Educate your clients and customers through tips, webinars, eBooks, and blogs
  • Research and create social media goals that will keep you relevant
  • Engage with your audience often and invite their feedback.
  • Offer incentives to gain followers

To run a successful social media campaign you need dedication, resources, and time. The ultimate goal of social media is to harness the power and move your audience to act.  You must be present on social media, otherwise you will not be able to build your brand.

Contact us today for help with social media marketing, advertising, and automation.

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